


no place press is committed to publishing intrepid titles in art and culture. Working collaboratively with a select group of contributors, we endeavor to support critical, challenging and non-instrumentalized perspectives on a wide range of contemporary and historical cultural subjects. Connected by a shared critical mindset more than a specific discipline, we work with artists, art historians, poets, designers and writers to realize projects that may fall outside the scope of the typical channels of reception and distribution associated with their respective fields.Β 

no place press draws its name from the word β€œutopia,” which reflects our commitment to fostering disaffected utopian communities. We are deeply connected to cross-disciplinary and intergenerational groups who, through the power of text and images, seek to reimagine and rebuild the world around them, even if their attempts are failed ones. Our community consists of artists, writers, thinkers, and activists who feel displaced yet share a collective desire to explore new possibilities for the future through creative and intellectual exchange. We actively seek out books by people of color, by queer artists, and by those do not fit smoothly in the commercial art world, and we remain mindful of the many intersections of identity within our audiences. no place press is co-owned by Rachel Churner and Geoff Kaplan.This site was programed by Gunjan Bhutani